I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to class, and passed by the library. In front of the building--in the middle of my path--stood a couple. Typical, I thought. It's like being in high school all over again. Couples tend to believe that the world revolves around their ever-ending relationship. They believe that they have the right to do what they want where they want. It stems from each partner believing that they--individually--are entitled to do as they please. So, with little regard for their environment or those around them, couples tend to stand in the middle of everything and mess everything up. It's almost as if they seek out the most high traffic areas to block. It lets everyone else know how madly in love they are, I guess.
As I got closer, I realized I had assumed wrong.
"Please, I just want you to know I care." He said dully. He moved forward to wrap his arms around her. She pushed him away and stepped back. "Get off me!" She hissed. "No, you don't care." He continued to stand there with his arms spread open. "Please," he repeated. I continued walking by them, and turned to glance their direction after processing what I had heard. "Get away from me." She said. "And leave me alone."
I crossed the street and walked into the building.
Everything falls apart.
As I got closer, I realized I had assumed wrong.
"Please, I just want you to know I care." He said dully. He moved forward to wrap his arms around her. She pushed him away and stepped back. "Get off me!" She hissed. "No, you don't care." He continued to stand there with his arms spread open. "Please," he repeated. I continued walking by them, and turned to glance their direction after processing what I had heard. "Get away from me." She said. "And leave me alone."
I crossed the street and walked into the building.
Everything falls apart.