The first memories that came to mind? Drinking Mr. Pibb in the office. Buying a Batman action figure and Batmobile toy set. Her housemate gifting me my first camera. The toys she gave us every time she came to visit that we never, ever played with. I don't really look back on any of these memories with any particular sentimentality. They are just things that happened in my life with no real emotional investment.
In fact, I was more upset when I heard her dog had died.
Which makes me feel kind of bad. I mean, I didn't share blood with the dog. But my mom was crying when she told me the dog died. She just sounded tired today. I'm not numb, I'm not detached. I'm just... unaffected. My grandmother died in her sleep and all I will do is shrug.
I was watching life today on the Discovery Channel. Makes me want to go travel places and see things and take pictures of cool stuff. I want to go to the weird things in Venezuela and find the weirdo frogs. And I want to see some Komodo dragons.
Also, I can't stop laughing about sharkolepsy because I think that's the funniest thing ever.
I finally talked to an old friend tonight. We hadn't talked in forever, so there was quite a bit of catching up to do. I wish we had kept up like we used to, because there was a lot thrown out there and it made me feel bad. I should've been more involved--more invested in keeping that friendship at optimal level instead of letting it slip like I did. I'll be more on the ball, now. He also made me realize how much I swear. I need to stop swearing so much.
In fact, I was more upset when I heard her dog had died.
Which makes me feel kind of bad. I mean, I didn't share blood with the dog. But my mom was crying when she told me the dog died. She just sounded tired today. I'm not numb, I'm not detached. I'm just... unaffected. My grandmother died in her sleep and all I will do is shrug.

Also, I can't stop laughing about sharkolepsy because I think that's the funniest thing ever.
I finally talked to an old friend tonight. We hadn't talked in forever, so there was quite a bit of catching up to do. I wish we had kept up like we used to, because there was a lot thrown out there and it made me feel bad. I should've been more involved--more invested in keeping that friendship at optimal level instead of letting it slip like I did. I'll be more on the ball, now. He also made me realize how much I swear. I need to stop swearing so much.