I've always thought it was funny to see what you absorb from your surroundings. The little personality ticks you get from your close friends. That weird pronunciation that slips through after you watch a bunch of shows where the characters have different accents. The little things that most people would never notice. Other people, I mean. But silently, you would acknowledge it every time. Or some of the time.
You would know, some of the time.
And I guess I have sort of an obsessive personality. I get attached to things quickly. And strongly. I get into things obsessively. Like Doctor Who. I love it. I love watching Doctor Who. I've watched the 10th Doctor's run so many times now that it's starting to manifest in my personality. The way I speak. The way I stand. The way I run around in my sneakers. The way I let my coat swing around me. It's pretty damn nerdy, but kind of funny. No harm, no foul, I suppose.
There's a whole science to it. To the personality-absorbing-manifesting-emulating... thing. It's pretty interesting stuff. I wish I understood it better. It is a science, I think. Depends on who you ask, I guess. Oh well.
Maybe I just need to play dress up more often.
You can nerd out and still be cool, even when you're doing things that would make other people look like giant doops. Embrace it!