"I'm embarrassed to ask this," he started. I knew what he was going to ask. Ah, I thought. I should've told him already. "Definitely, man." I told him. "I'll help however I can. Don't worry about it." And it was true. I don't mind helping him. Helping a friend in need is always a good idea. Helping anyone, in fact, is a good idea.
What do you have to lose by helping? Money? I do not care much for money. Money is a terrible object that brings out the worst in people. Money is useful only in trade for useless things you do not need. That's okay though. People need something to covet, I guess. Sometimes I wish more people would realize that it is okay to set aside your own wants. It is okay to help other people sometimes. I enjoy helping people. Feels good man.
I've noticed this a lot more lately. People are only interested in helping themselves. There are very few exceptions to that. They might say they want to help others, but they usually get something in return. Maybe they get money. Or power. Control over who they helped. They create an obligation. Maybe they get the social status of a helper. Titles under the belt. Why would you want something in return? Let them make their own terms. If they don't pay you back they'll most certainly pay it forward. That's okay. It's good karma.
There are some people out there who genuinely want to help. To make things better. That's good. Except, for as much good as they do it gets immediately undone by the rest of the people. There is a horrible unbalance in the world. It's full of terrible people. There are good people sprinkled in, I guess. Still, though. The world is not beyond saving, I think. It just needs more people to stand up and do things. It needs less terrible people. It needs less people, I guess. Less people to criticize each other and less people who love themselves. I wonder if we'll know when it's too late. Probably not. It is probably too late already. That's okay.
I am not above helping, as useless as the gesture might be.
What do you have to lose by helping? Money? I do not care much for money. Money is a terrible object that brings out the worst in people. Money is useful only in trade for useless things you do not need. That's okay though. People need something to covet, I guess. Sometimes I wish more people would realize that it is okay to set aside your own wants. It is okay to help other people sometimes. I enjoy helping people. Feels good man.
I've noticed this a lot more lately. People are only interested in helping themselves. There are very few exceptions to that. They might say they want to help others, but they usually get something in return. Maybe they get money. Or power. Control over who they helped. They create an obligation. Maybe they get the social status of a helper. Titles under the belt. Why would you want something in return? Let them make their own terms. If they don't pay you back they'll most certainly pay it forward. That's okay. It's good karma.
There are some people out there who genuinely want to help. To make things better. That's good. Except, for as much good as they do it gets immediately undone by the rest of the people. There is a horrible unbalance in the world. It's full of terrible people. There are good people sprinkled in, I guess. Still, though. The world is not beyond saving, I think. It just needs more people to stand up and do things. It needs less terrible people. It needs less people, I guess. Less people to criticize each other and less people who love themselves. I wonder if we'll know when it's too late. Probably not. It is probably too late already. That's okay.
I am not above helping, as useless as the gesture might be.