I am really tired of living with or near people. I hate having a roommate. I hate coming home after a long day to sulk in my room only to find myself in the company of a noisy person who likes to watch sports talk shows with the volume too high. I hate living next to people that can use my bathroom. I came back to the dorms this weekend to find my sink covered in hair from somebody shaving and knocking the razor in it. It was black hair. I didn't shave and my roommate doesn't have black hair. These are people who seem to have no problem peeing on the toilet seat and leaving it like that.
They are animals and I hate them.
But, regardless of my unrivaled hatred for the subhuman cretins with whom I involuntarily share my living space, I pledge not to do anything aside from be passive aggressive. I won't put bleach in their contact solution, I won't secretly take chemicals from the lab and mix it into their mouthwash, I won't put my bodily fluids on their personal belongings.
Damn is it tempting, though.
I am so disappointed with my comics now. I mean, sure the artwork is improving I guess, but I'm honestly just drawing to practice drawing. I'm not even making comics, really. There is no purpose to what I'm creating, I'm just filling space and wasting time. I want to start this story arc--an actual story arc--but I keep spinning my wheels on it. I'm not even doing six panel comics because I'm so lazy.
That's not okay, and it's making me really mad. I should be doing better work than this, but it's so hard to find the time to do it. I mean, there aren't even jokes here damn it. It's pathetic.
I guess I can keep making excuses for why I'm not doing it. That's the easiest thing.
They are animals and I hate them.
But, regardless of my unrivaled hatred for the subhuman cretins with whom I involuntarily share my living space, I pledge not to do anything aside from be passive aggressive. I won't put bleach in their contact solution, I won't secretly take chemicals from the lab and mix it into their mouthwash, I won't put my bodily fluids on their personal belongings.
Damn is it tempting, though.

I guess I can keep making excuses for why I'm not doing it. That's the easiest thing.
It's a nice chance to show some good character development.
You're an excellent writer and though the last less-than-a-handful-of-comics aren't up to the usually exceptional level you usually write at, you are by no means bad. So take heart.