My brother got suspended from school for fighting. Some kid spent the year bullying him and his friends and the teachers didn't do anything. He followed him into the bathroom where they exchanged unpleasant words and he started hitting David. And David went off on him. So did his friend, when David told him what happened. Just got up from the lunch table, went into the bathroom, and hit him so hard he cried. Put some solid hits on a bully. I mean, yeah, David lost his cool, but the guy had already hit him twice. Twice.
Once is grounds for overwhelming response in my book.
And aside from that being a great story about your buddies getting emotional and backing you up when something happens, it's a pretty good story about a jackass getting his ass beat like he deserves. I was proud of my brother for doing that. Violence is certainly not the best method of resolving conflicts, but damn is it satisfying when used.
I mean, how do you stop a bully from bullying? Asking politely?
I hate to say it, but I just don't feel alive unless I'm stressed out and falling apart. I am a stress junkie. It gives me a big thrill. Gets my motor running. It's why I put everything off until the last minute. Can I cram all of these things into this amount of time? I'd better--and I will. That's not healthy, I guess.
But it's just so much fun.
Once is grounds for overwhelming response in my book.
And aside from that being a great story about your buddies getting emotional and backing you up when something happens, it's a pretty good story about a jackass getting his ass beat like he deserves. I was proud of my brother for doing that. Violence is certainly not the best method of resolving conflicts, but damn is it satisfying when used.
I mean, how do you stop a bully from bullying? Asking politely?

But it's just so much fun.