I got a new phone. It's weird because, really, I didn't need a new phone. I would've been fine keeping my old one. Really. But, apparently, it was time to get a new phone. I've only owned three cell phones in my life. I used my first one until it stopped working. I crashed my bike and fell on it and it stopped working properly. It would only receive half of the calls and stopped ringing entirely.
I got a bruise and stopped putting my phone in the shirt pocket on my back.
This phone, though, is pretty cool. And by pretty cool, I mean I can turn it into a really cool phone. I went for a few days with "Normandy to shore party, come in" as my ringtone. It was hard not to answer the phone as the Commander. But now it's got the Batwave. Complete with the animation. Which means, really, that I've realized a childhood dream.
As far as my communication device is concerned, I am the Batman.
And that's pretty much all I really need to get through the day. Also, it plays music. Which means I get to have a soundtrack. My life gets a soundtrack that other people will be able to hear. Now, all I have to do is queue up the proper tracks.
I'm so excited for this break. So many big plans. Writing every day. Drawing every day. Music every day. Art every day! It's going to be the best Christmas break ever. I still want to go on a trip, though. My dad just bought some new tents to replace our old one that tore on the last camping trip. Maybe I can grab the small one and just wander off into somewhere for a while. My phone has a video camera in it, which means I can probably make a horribly shitty rendition of my soon-to-be hit program Gabe Goes Places.
But I bet it's really cold outside, so that probably won't happen.