It was totally by accident that I found it. I mean, I never check that e-mail address and I probably never would have if it hadn't been brought up in conversation. But I did and nestled somewhere between the dozens of spam e-mails sat a message from an old friend. September 20, 2009. What was I doing in September? Writing pseudo-angsty bullshit, probably.
But my friend was not.
It was a heart-felt message about friendship and it killed me to be responding to it seven or eight months after the fact. Communication is a difficult thing. I often feel like I'm not as great a friend as I could be. As I should be. And I hate that. I should be more supportive. I should be more accessible. I should be more open. I should be better. It's something to work on, I guess.

In my never-ending and often reckless pursuit of adventure, I impulsively signed up for a Marine Geology Field Course this summer. Go to the coast for a week? Alright. Go out on boats into the ocean? Alright. Adventure? That sounds like one to me. Except, with every new bit of information that comes my way I'm realizing a little more that I'm actually in way over my head. I don't have any of the pre-requisites for this class. And I keep forgetting that it's a
class and not a
fun thing that I signed up for.

I'll have to remember to
get my smarts on while I'm
getting my sick tan on.
I haven't really been taking my comics too seriously lately. I think I'm just burned out on everything. Classes and drawing and doing stuff. I just want to go bunker down under a tree and play some music. Watch clouds go by, waste a whole day, all that kind of bullshit. I need to detox. But, per usual, there is no such thing in my forecast. No rest for the wicked kind of stuff.
Oh well.

I went swimming the other day. With my awesome swimming shorts that I'd never wear by themselves because of my sickeningly pale legs and poor body image. They definitely made a difference though. I could tell there was an improvement in the quality of my swimming because I was actually swimming laps. Encouraged, perhaps, by my awesome swimming shorts. I can only hope that