"Oh my God," she shrieked. She extended her finger at me and made a couple of snapping motions as she struggled to think of the name she was looking for. I knew exactly what was coming. Because I hear it more than I like. "You look like John Cusack! An Asian John Cusack!" I smiled and nodded. Somebody asked who John Cusack was.
It was me, for the duration of the party.
And now I'm sick. I hate being sick. The congestion that makes me sound like an idiot when I talk and stops me from singing. The runny nose that's raw from all the nose blowing and making me sniffle like an ass all day. All the medications to take. I think I need to quit taking medicine for a while. I took it all out of my bags. It's too tempting and it's going to mess me up. It is messing me up. I mean how pathetic is it to have a thing for ibuprofen? I'm always telling myself how I'm too smart to end up like my grandmother while I down Advil like candy. I have to get over this cold.
This didn't quite turn out how I imagined it would, but I think for the most part it ended up satisfactory. I'm really starting to push my boundaries as a cartoonist because I'm getting too comfortable and complacent in everything. I can't get into a routine with my art because it'll get me into trouble. Have to keep, you know, improving. Experimenting.
And now, here, I stand. On the brink of my last week as me. I have one week left to enjoy the things I can do. To run, sing, play clarinet, to eat. I can't even think of all the things I need to do. I have one week to enjoy everything. Because I won't be able to do everything during Christmas.
But I did order Left 4 Dead 2 for myself as a Christmas present. Amazon.com even let me add in a free note: Merry Christmas, self--enjoy being miserable forever. I'm such a ball of cheer.
It was me, for the duration of the party.
And now I'm sick. I hate being sick. The congestion that makes me sound like an idiot when I talk and stops me from singing. The runny nose that's raw from all the nose blowing and making me sniffle like an ass all day. All the medications to take. I think I need to quit taking medicine for a while. I took it all out of my bags. It's too tempting and it's going to mess me up. It is messing me up. I mean how pathetic is it to have a thing for ibuprofen? I'm always telling myself how I'm too smart to end up like my grandmother while I down Advil like candy. I have to get over this cold.

And now, here, I stand. On the brink of my last week as me. I have one week left to enjoy the things I can do. To run, sing, play clarinet, to eat. I can't even think of all the things I need to do. I have one week to enjoy everything. Because I won't be able to do everything during Christmas.
But I did order Left 4 Dead 2 for myself as a Christmas present. Amazon.com even let me add in a free note: Merry Christmas, self--enjoy being miserable forever. I'm such a ball of cheer.
Anyway, sorry that they were giving you a hard time, and thanks for being so affable. I hope that you had a good time for some of the party. At least the cheese ball was good.