I get nervous sometimes. In all kinds of situations. With all kinds of people. I get nervous when I'm on the spot or if I have to talk about something I don't usually talk about. I lock up and shut down. I suddenly have nothing to say. No stories, no jokes, no insight. Just squeaky, jumbled explanations.
That's okay. It's good to be uncomfortable every once in a while. It keeps you on your toes.
I drank a lot of tea and honey today. I talked to the woman who runs Project Victory. I drew a comic. I plugged in my fridge. I saw someone I like to see. I ate an English muffin. I didn't take too much allergy medication or ibuprofen. I rode my bike. I hung out with some peeps. It's been a good day.
I have a feeling it'll be a good week.
That's okay. It's good to be uncomfortable every once in a while. It keeps you on your toes.

I have a feeling it'll be a good week.