I think I'm a good listener. Or, at least, I'd like to think that I'm a good listener. Every once in a while, though, I am not always a good listener. I'm easily distracted, I guess. I tend to zone out in the middle of conversations--usually right around the part where something important gets said. Then, there is a slight pause in the talking and I realize that I have no idea what the other person just said. "It's okay," I say. Then, later in the conversation, I try to figure out what they said through context clues. Or I don't and have no idea what they said.
Sometimes I get caught, though. "What?" They say. "It's...okay?" I reply. "What's okay?" Then I take a shot in the dark or answer as vaguely as I can. "That...that's okay." They either accept it and move on or say, "You have no idea what I just said, do you?"
Sometimes I get caught, though. "What?" They say. "It's...okay?" I reply. "What's okay?" Then I take a shot in the dark or answer as vaguely as I can. "That...that's okay." They either accept it and move on or say, "You have no idea what I just said, do you?"