I am completely enamored of this tablet, but I'm starting to become afraid that it will consume all of my free time. And my busy time.
When I got home today, this was all I did.
Oh well. It's fun. And I'm getting better at it, I think. I am a poor judge of that. I tried to use Adobe Illustrator but it was too hard and I gave up. I'll learn how to use it later, I guess. It made my squiggly lines into beautiful squiggly lines. That is as far as I got into the program.
I'm home alone this weekend, and I intend to use that to make some music. Also, to study. I've been thinking about a movie idea lately, but I don't have time to make it. I don't think anybody else will want to make it either. After I thought about it a lot today, I thought about making it into a graphic novel.
I think that idea is far beyond my skill level. For now.
That's okay.

When I got home today, this was all I did.

I'm home alone this weekend, and I intend to use that to make some music. Also, to study. I've been thinking about a movie idea lately, but I don't have time to make it. I don't think anybody else will want to make it either. After I thought about it a lot today, I thought about making it into a graphic novel.

I think that idea is far beyond my skill level. For now.
That's okay.
I was gonna come home this weekend but turns out i can't...let me know if/when you crank out something legit!