"I don't know why he's so upset. Like, I straight up told him, 'I don't know why you're so upset,' but he just, like, I don't know." She said to her friend perhaps a little too loudly. "Like, he thought we were exclusive but, I mean, I told him that we weren't, like, exclusive when we got together. So now he's all upset that I've been seeing other guys. I, like, totally don't understand him at all. He's just being ridiculous."
I managed to overhear this conversation on my way to class this morning. While I could easily--and am certainly tempted to--write about this story is indicative about how terrible girls can be, I think it is more of an example of the constant failure of communication in relationships. It's something that everybody could stand to work on. Unfortunately, not enough people recognize this and that's why things fall apart and things get broken. Or flipped. And I don't think yelling and screaming counts as communication.
I'm looking at you, people who live upstairs.
I think I'm going to make a test episode of Gabe Goes Places soon. Maybe over Thanksgiving break. I really wish I had a smaller video camera. Even more than that, I wish I had a waterproof video camera. Because adventures always take you to water and then you always fall in and the camera follows you so you can talk to it while struggling to stay afloat.
And I have no idea what to get Ashley for her birthday.
I managed to overhear this conversation on my way to class this morning. While I could easily--and am certainly tempted to--write about this story is indicative about how terrible girls can be, I think it is more of an example of the constant failure of communication in relationships. It's something that everybody could stand to work on. Unfortunately, not enough people recognize this and that's why things fall apart and things get broken. Or flipped. And I don't think yelling and screaming counts as communication.
I'm looking at you, people who live upstairs.

And I have no idea what to get Ashley for her birthday.