I am afraid of birds. Well, specifically, I'm afraid of birds pooping on me. I just really don't want to deal with bird poop. I don't even like stepping on bird poop on sidewalks. I'd rather walk in the street than walk across bird poop. It's just disgusting. Birds and the poops they poop are disgusting. Walking across sidewalks plastered in bird poop makes me cringe and want to die.
I spent some time at the office today, which I think was a good idea. I will probably do that more often as long as I can spare the time. It's pretty fun to hang out and talk with friends like that. It's like the fast track to getting to know people. And I get to draw more, which is always a good thing.
I had immediately forgotten his name, which made me feel bad. But in my defense, it was Halloween. "I've heard good things about you." He said. "Oh that's good," I replied. "Because I'm very self-conscious and struggle with my image." We laughed and then I went and sat down. I think I'm getting better with the whole confidence thing. I mean, I'm feeling more confident in my abilities as an artist and musician.
Which is pretty much all that matters.
I was surprised that I had kept my hands out of my pockets for so long but when I finally did give in to the urge, my fingers made contact with a folded up index card. I didn't remember putting one in, so I pulled it out and examined it. I read it. It was a sucker punch to the heart, and I loved it.
I spent some time at the office today, which I think was a good idea. I will probably do that more often as long as I can spare the time. It's pretty fun to hang out and talk with friends like that. It's like the fast track to getting to know people. And I get to draw more, which is always a good thing.
I had immediately forgotten his name, which made me feel bad. But in my defense, it was Halloween. "I've heard good things about you." He said. "Oh that's good," I replied. "Because I'm very self-conscious and struggle with my image." We laughed and then I went and sat down. I think I'm getting better with the whole confidence thing. I mean, I'm feeling more confident in my abilities as an artist and musician.
Which is pretty much all that matters.
