The worst thing about good moods is that they are infectious. And today was such a nice day that people couldn't help but be in good moods which put me in a bad mood because I was in a good mood by proxy and couldn't help but be in a good mood. So I was in a good mood. And things are going well, I think. I mean, I could definitely find something to complain about, but I won't.
I'm doing laundry now.
I'm ready to play some music, again. Soon. It's been too long since that happened and I know this because I'm going through withdrawals. I also need to write. I've got some things bouncing around in my head. I just need that trigger of inspiration to come in. In a catalytic amount. So that these ideas can precipitate out. And it'll be glorious. I guess I just have to wait for winter break.
We're doing the film contest thing this weekend and I'm having second thoughts partly because I'm flaky by nature and partly because, well, I've mostly turned my back on that part of my life. I'm not a filmmaker anymore. I had that passion surgically removed already. I'm not really interested in making movies now.
Except for my travel show, or my space movie, or a zombie movie, or a superhero movie.
I'm doing laundry now.
I'm ready to play some music, again. Soon. It's been too long since that happened and I know this because I'm going through withdrawals. I also need to write. I've got some things bouncing around in my head. I just need that trigger of inspiration to come in. In a catalytic amount. So that these ideas can precipitate out. And it'll be glorious. I guess I just have to wait for winter break.

Except for my travel show, or my space movie, or a zombie movie, or a superhero movie.