I don't really know what the deal is, but I've been feeling a little emotional these last couple of days. Like I just need to sit down and have a good cry. Have a good, manly cry. I start to tear up when I think about the comic story I'm working on right now. When I think of the dachshund I won't see again. When I think of the sad things I normally think about but am not usually bothered by. Maybe it's just that time of month.
I'd rent Batman: The Animated Series and cry it out over a couple choice episodes, but I don't really have the time or the will to go all the way to the library. I will soldier on, I suppose. I'm working on not bottling things up. Because that usually doesn't end well. Just have to remember to, you know, talk things out. It's tough.
I think I need to take a break from saxophone. The weird feeling of my suture sites vibrating while playing has elevated to feeling my suture sites all the time, which is not something I particularly like.
But I have guitar, which is a reasonably nice alternative. I'm making myself actually learn guitar as an instrument. Jazz guitar, specifically. Because, I mean, learning any other style is obviously a complete waste of time. But I'm learning the actual notes and scales and chords beyond just the boring barre chord patterns. It's tough because I'm so impatient, but I know it's a good exercise. No more playing notes by scrambled instinct or feel. I won't be satisfied until I know it like I know saxophone, and even then until I've totally mastered it. Which, thankfully, will never be. I just wish I had more time during the day to do all of this.
What's this 'school' thing that keeps getting in the way.
I'd rent Batman: The Animated Series and cry it out over a couple choice episodes, but I don't really have the time or the will to go all the way to the library. I will soldier on, I suppose. I'm working on not bottling things up. Because that usually doesn't end well. Just have to remember to, you know, talk things out. It's tough.
I think I need to take a break from saxophone. The weird feeling of my suture sites vibrating while playing has elevated to feeling my suture sites all the time, which is not something I particularly like.

Make sure to take it easy while you're healing!