Well, that's it. It's all gone. Every sentence, every word. I'm back at the very beginning. Where I was two years ago. Almost fifty pages--wiped clean. So now I get to start over. Rebuild from scratch. Frustrating, disheartening, but also strangely encouraging. It's going to be better this time. And who knows? Maybe I'll have to do it again.
But I didn't have the characters right. They were missing something, which was why I kept running into all of those blocks. The awkward conversations, the asinine side adventures. And I finally realized it. So now I get to fix them all up. I've remade the characters in my head, which helps. Now I just need to play through and figure out how the story is going to go, again.
This story will be incredible if it has even half of the talent that shines through in your blog. The only problem is transferring insight from your eyes into a character's eyes. And now I am exhaustedly reexamining that apostrophe, but I can't decide whether or not it's right so I'll just go to bed.